On July I was very busy trying to know what the Dragonfly real impact in Spain was and writing some articles to increase Cyber Security awareness in Spanish Utility Companies.
Seems like after being "World Champions" on infections, companies should have taken some basic counter measures. (Maybe the simplest one could be an external black box audit to check the external visibility for the company infrastructure and services.)
But after twenty years trying to improve our Security level and knowing how things use to be managed here, I decided to try a little experiment.
From August the 14th and until Today I have been making some Shodan searching once a day to collect the worldwide and Spanish number of Internet open ports for the most famous industrial control protocols:
- ICCP/S7 (102 TCP)
- Modbus (502 TCP)
- EthernetIP (44818 TCP)
- BacNET (47808 UDP)
My bet was that situation would improve in the weeks to come, but if you want to know what the results were, stay tuned until my next post.